Robert Maier Discusses John Waters with’60s Icon Bob Hieronimus on Baltimore Radio
Baltimore artist, Robert Hieronimus on his psychedelic bus at Woodstock in 1969. It became an icon of the hippie movement. He is now Dr. Bob, an author and radio producer in Baltimore.
Robert Maier was interviewed about his work with John Waters, as described in Low Budget Hell, on the Baltimore talk radio station, WCBM 680AM.
The show, Twenty-first Century Radio, is hosted by Dr. Bob Hieronimous, Baltimore’s premier pioneer psychedelic ’60s hippie hero. Dr. Bob has been a leading authority on metaphysics, numerology, united symbolism, UFOs, the occult, and yellow submarines– to mention a few of his pursuits. His work has been profiled by the BBC, Discovery, National Geographic, The History Channel, the Syfy Network, and Fox TV.
WCBM mostly broadcasts right-leaning commentators like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. As a native Baltimorean who appreciates being on the edge, Dr. Bob read my book, then phoned me to say that though Low Budget Hell was a little off topic for him, he “laughed (his) balls off” while reading it, and asked me to be on his show. He was one of my heroes in high school. Promises to be an interesting show.
Check out Dr. Bob’s website for more on his fascinating life as a ground-breaking artist/philosopher and listen to the podcast.
The VW Bus created by Dr. Bob Heironimus in the mid-1960s which became an icon of hippie art and lifestyle.
Read about Robert Maier’s fifteen years working with John Waters in the new book “Low Budget Hell: Making Underground Movies with John Waters.” Available on and booksellers around the world.